In the summer of 2023, I took a trip to Indiana with my grandparents for the Nazarene General Assembly. While my grandpa had an important role in the assembly itself, my grandmother and I went on some fun day trips, and I got to try my luck with the radio.
On the first day of this trip, we took I-44 from our home in Oklahoma City, through St. Louis, got onto I-70, and stopped in Casey, IL. That night I didn’t do very much but research the repeaters in the local area. The next morning I got up bright and early and excitedly went outside with my radio and made a call on a repeater in Terre-Haute, IN. I talked to a very nice guy named Marcus, and we made our way onward to Indianapolis.
The next morning in Indianapolis, I decided to get on one of the local repeaters that happened to be a linked network and talked for a while to a man named Russ. I would talk to him a multitude of times over the course of this trip.
Over the next couple of days, my grandmother and I would make several day trips around the state, even venturing as far as Dayton, OH, to see the Air Force Museum. You will find some images from these trips below.
I also tried some portable operation on the beach of Lake Michigan in the Indiana Dunes National Park, although, I had no luck.
Over all, I had a great time on my trip to Indiana.
For more information about my activities in ham radio, you can check my Ham Radio Info page, or my QRZ page.