My Summer 2023 Trip to Indiana

In the summer of 2023, I took a trip to Indiana with my grandparents for the Nazarene General Assembly. While my grandpa had an important role in the assembly itself, my grandmother and I went on some fun day trips, and I got to try my luck with the radio.

On the first day of this trip, we took I-44 from our home in Oklahoma City, through St. Louis, got onto I-70, and stopped in Casey, IL. That night I didn’t do very much but research the repeaters in the local area. The next morning I got up bright and early and excitedly went outside with my radio and made a call on a repeater in Terre-Haute, IN. I talked to a very nice guy named Marcus, and we made our way onward to Indianapolis.

The next morning in Indianapolis, I decided to get on one of the local repeaters that happened to be a linked network and talked for a while to a man named Russ. I would talk to him a multitude of times over the course of this trip.

Over the next couple of days, my grandmother and I would make several day trips around the state, even venturing as far as Dayton, OH, to see the Air Force Museum. You will find some images from these trips below.

Me KJ5APW operating 2 meter simplex on the beach of lake Michigan.

I also tried some portable operation on the beach of Lake Michigan in the Indiana Dunes National Park, although, I had no luck.

Over all, I had a great time on my trip to Indiana.

For more information about my activities in ham radio, you can check my Ham Radio Info page, or my QRZ page.

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